I’ve lost count of the numbers of doctors appointments, hospital specialists and those kind of things that my family has seen over the last 20+ years. And here I am sitting at another one day.
But that’s not what I want to share with you.
What I want to share is….what would you give up?
What would I give up to have the life that we think someone else has?
We have to dig deep to look for our blessings.
So even with the trials that all of us deal with, being in the fog, the light being far in the distance… if there is any light at all. We are all so blessed?
What would I give up? My family? My home? My job with insurance?
These things many people don’t have. But we are too busy thinking about what we don’t have and how we wish how things were, instead of recognizing and praising God for the things that we have.
So that’s one of the things I’m working on.
What would I give up?
What would I give up?
What would I change?
What would I…nothing!
Because then that means I would have a different life, and I’m grateful for the life the Lord has given me.