Surviving Your Heart Transplant: Motivation with Monica Video Transcript
Many of us before we had children, probably didn’t think it was possible for our hearts to walk around, outside our bodies but when those kids came, wow did we find out we were wrong!
As much as we tremble about this, we have to accept the fact that we can’t always make life easy for them, can’t protect them, we can’t determine what this life is going to throw at them, and be sure … it’s going to throw everything. So what can we provide that will outlast us, will sustain them in the darkest moments, yet also, will allow them to remain humble when they reach the tallest achievements?
I want to focus on what I call in my book, two of the most important elements that we can give and just as importantly leave our children: FAITH & EXAMPLE.
For me, one of the answers is faith. Most of you know that my child faces tremendous challenges and crippling pain as I watch not her not be able to do what many take for granted. But I hope you hear my voice when I share I could not have made it this far without God’s word, the Bible, God’s providence, without that care circle who surrounds me.
Because faith is not based what we can see, it proacts, not just react. In your own life, have been blessed by people who show us how to rely upon their faith? I have. I wrote a book about it.
On this faith walk, I now know God is using us as vessels, to light the way for someone else. Why do I say that? Because when people talk my child being their hero, that my child, inspires them. I want to share with you that no matter where you are in your parenting journey, there is purpose to your struggle. Like you, I’ve had those times when tomorrow was too far away, and so I had to rest on faith that today is enough.
For here at TheBestYou.Site, we celebrate that you don’t give up the good faith fight because, here at this place, we excel not because we are survivors, but because we are thrivers, and we will take as many parents as we can with us.