Grab A Faith Warrior: Motivation with Monica Video Transcript
Everybody needs somebody – the somebody I want you to grab hold of is a faith warrior. I’d say if you don’t have one, let the search go on!
By example, faith warriors changed my life. They also were to teach you many things, like how to hold on when it feels like there’s nothing below you; how to keep going when your strength is already gone: how to find purpose and joy even as you are walking into the darkness.
I’ve learned that they enter your life for a season or for a lifetime, but they were sent in part to gift you with perspective: to teach you how to endure, to help you tread the unknown. In scripture, faith warriors in the book of Hebrews changed history.
One of my personal faith warriors was a precious, elderly lady whom, I always knew as special, but really began to shine in my life when she remembered my child’s birthday by sending $1, $2, $3 although she was on a fixed income. This meant as much to me as the large amounts people blessed us with when we were in crisis.
This same, sweet lady became a true star in my world while confined to a nursing home facility. We went to visit. It was an incredibly sad visit, and she reminded us to check on the other residents there because often no one came to visit them.
TALK ABOUT A FAITH WARRIOR! Faith allowed her to look past her own circumstances and she had some doozies, to bless others. You talk about being an influencer.
There is nothing like them. So, whether you have them for a lifetime or for a season, sit at their feet and learn from their example of humanity and humility.
Often we want to make famous people, and people of means our heroes, but I’ve learned to respect these incredible everyday people who live vibrant lives despite their struggles.
What a perfect example for us now and a remarkable legacy and gift for us to pass on.
For here at TheBestYou.Site, faith warriors show us the difference that’s faith. They did not just survive, but in their own special ways wow, did they thrive!
Listen for tips about how to change your perspective on life.